Physical Therapy Session

A traditional physical therapy session where Dr. Natsuko will discuss your specific situation and build a plan tailored to help you strengthen and heal your body. A physician's referral is recommended but not required. Initial evaluation requires 60 minutes; follow-up sessions can be adjusted to 45, 60, 90, or 120 minutes based on your condition.  

A typical PT session may include (but not be limited to):

Initial  Evaluation:
60 min session | $120

Follow-up Session:
45 min session | $90
60 min session | $120
90 min session | $180
120 min session | $240

Dance Wellness Session

A personalized exercise session where Dr. Natsuko will create an exercise plan to meet your needs and goals. An assessment of functional/dance movements helps identify your weak spots and guide you to optimize your performance and prevent potential injuries. Initial assessment requires 60 minutes; follow-up sessions can be adjusted to 45, 60, 90, or 120 minutes based on your condition.  

A typical wellness session may include (but not be limited to):

Initial Assessment:
60 min session| $120

Follow-up Session:
45 min session | $90
60 min session | $120
90 min session | $180
120 min session | $240

Customized Group Session/Workshop

A group exercise class/educational lecture where Dr. Natsuko comes to your studio and provides a workshop, master class, and/or regular class based on your needs and topics you want me to cover. You may schedule a 60, 90, or 120 min class

*Minimum 6 and maximum 20 people per class to maintain safety and quality of the class.

Examples include:

60 min class| $300

90 min class | $450

120 min class | $600